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👉 Getting Started

Osiris Alpha is now open!! The Alpha is currently invite only 🌟

Invite Codes

If you would like to join, go to Osiris.Worlds and click Play. There, you can enter your email to request an invite code. Invite codes are sent out every few weeks. If you haven't received yours, be sure to check your spam folder.

Sign In Screen


Osiris is currently available for:

  • 🔹 PC & Mac
  • 🔹 Mobile and web versions are in the works
  • 🔹 Available on Epic & Steam in a future release

Download Screen


Once you receive your invite, follow the link in the invite email. There, you can set up your username and then download Osiris. When your download completes, right-click to open the file. Then sign-in and you're set!!

Intro Screen


On some versions of Mac you will need to hold control, then left-click and select open.